Looking for the latest under-sea fashions? Searching for inspiration for new Inworldz venues?
Come to Poseidon (43,124,2) on Saturday, July 7 at 2 P.M. IWT!
TIGGS Beaumont has teamed up with "ALLURE" of InWorldz to bring you a serene and unique fashion show!
The designers featured include
- Lady Lyra by Lyrana Courtois,
- Haute Couture by Brelle Dufeaux,
- Designs by Shalenda, by Shalenda Littlebird,
- ULTRAJE Fashion by Pamela Easton.
InWorldz has d-e-e-p blue seas, ample room for colonies of merfolk and other sea denizens. With the advent of scenic sims - now totalling over 150 (not all of which are scenic water sims) - there is a network of adventures for intrepid mer to explore!
Who knows, perhaps there will be new fashion innovations guaranteed to transfix pirates and sailors, causing them to lose their minds and dive to join their visions of voluptuous mermaids!
Dive into the Deep Blue on Saturday with TIGGS and Allure! In the Magellans THIS Saturday! Stay tuned!